Fee Schedule

Securities Services Fee Schedule

Items Rate Minimum Charges
Hong Kong Stock Market


- Non-internet Trading

- Internet Trading





Stamp Duty

0.1% on gross consideration

(Rounded up to the nearest dollar)
FRC Transaction Levy 0.00015% N/A
Transaction Levy (SFC) 0.0027%  N/A
Trading Fee (SEHK) 0.00565%  N/A
CCASS Stock Settlement Fee 0.002%  $2

China A-share




- Non-internet Trading

- Internet Trading






Handling Fee  0.00341% RMB¥0.01
Securities Management Fee 0.002% RMB¥0.01
Transfer Fee 0.003% RMB¥0.01

Stamp Duty

0.05%(seller only) N/A

Portfolio Fee

0.008%, (the value of shares held x0.008% / 365 days) monthly charge RMB¥0.01




- Non-internet Trading

- Internet Trading





Handling Fee 0.004% RMB¥0.01
Securities Management Fee Waived N/A
Transfer Fee 0.002% RMB¥0.01
Stamp Duty Waived N/A
Portfolio Fee  0.008%, (the value of shares held x0.008% / 365 days) monthly charge RMB¥0.01

Information Services

Internet Trading Account with Real-time quotes services (optional)

For HK Client    
 Provider Full Version
(Monthly charges)
Junior Version
(Monthly charges)
Megahub HK$360 HK$300
Etnet* HK$360  
AA stock* HK$360  
Tele-Trend Konson HK$360  
For PRC Client    
Provider Full Version
(Monthly charges)
Junior Version
(Monthly charges)
Megahub HK$215 HK$170
Etnet* HK$215  
AA stock* HK$215  
Tele-Trend Konson HK$190  
 *No Mobile App
(Brokerage over HK$ 1200 each month, no monthly fee incurred)
Scrip Handling & Settlement - related  Physical Withdrawal Charge HK$6  $30
 Transfer Deed HK$5 / deed  $5
Account Maintenance Stock Transfer Instruction  Receive : FREE  

Deliver (HK Stock) : 0.002% of gross trade value
Deliver (A-Share) :0.002% of gross trade value

min charge(HK Stock): HKD $200
min charge(A-Share): RMB¥200
Dividend / Bond Interest Collection Charge 0.5% of dividend / Bond Interest amount
(Applicable to dividend or bond interest calculated in HKD, RMB and USD)
HKD 10
RMB 10
USD 1.29
Dividend Tax The net dividend of 10%, deducted when the State Administration of Taxation dividend N/A
Dividend Claim HK$500 (HK$200 is collected by CCASS) N/A
IPO Application (financing) HK$100 per application form N/A

IPO Application (eIPO) 

HK$50 per application form N/A

Account confirmation

HK$100 per set N/A
Duplicate copy of statement Within 3 months : FREE N/A
 Over 3 months  : HK$100 per set N/A
Attend General Meeting Fee HKD$ 50 per each transaction N/A
Interest for Late payment  Cash Account  Prime rate + 5% N/A
 Margin Account  Prime rate + 2.5% N/A
Nominee Services & Corporate Actions 

Scrip Fee

HKD $2 or RMB $2 or USD $0.26 / board lot  HKD 10
RMB 10
USD 1.29

Corporation Action Service Fee
- Privatization / General Offer

HK Stock Action Fee : HK$0.8 / board lot (collected by CCASS)

Handling Charges : HK$50 / transaction

A-Share Action Fee :
RMB¥0.8 / board lot
Handling Charges : RMB¥100 / transaction

Others Fund Transfer by CHATS HK$100 (plus Bank handling fee) N/A
Express Bank Transfer Individual – $80 per transaction
Corporate – $200 per transaction
Dishonored Cheque HK$200 per dishonored cheque N/A 
Deposit Verification $200 per transaction N/A
Cheque image $200 per copy N/A
Deposit Securities Charge FREE FREE
Letter for CIES  HK$500 per letter $500

Note: "The above fees and interest rate information are for reference only. The above fees are subject to changes from time to time at the Company’s discretion"
*** Related fee and commission charges are to be paid in the settlement currency.

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